
The celebrant blog begins!

Velvet Moon Ceremonies

I figured that now it’s been a month since my celebrant training course I’d start up a celebrant-based blog! This blog will likely include posts on all sorts; from how to legally get married and reasons to choose a celebrant, to wider wedding discussions like what to consider if planning an outdoor wedding and how best your celebrant can work with your photographer to create true magic that will be a lasting impression of your special day.

Posts about naming ceremonies and renaming ceremonies will make an appearance too, as well as any stories I have from ceremonies I’ve hosted and general discussions of what could be great aspects to include or consider for your ceremony.


Not only do I plan to update this blog once or twice a month, but I also plan to occasionally vlog as well. I plan on keeping any of the bigger topics for vlogs, so I can discuss wider points easier and possibly get other people involved with interviews or discussions.

Vlogs will go up on my Youtube channel, so please subscribe if you wish to be kept up to date with when I upload videos, but I’ll be sure to share links to any new uploads on my social media accounts too. Links to these blog posts will be shared around as well, so be sure to like or follow at least one of my accounts if you wish to be kept up-to-date with the content I’m creating!

What do you want to know?

I’m still fairly new to this wonderful role of being a wedding and naming celebrant, and whilst I have plenty of ideas of blog topics I'd like to explore I’d also love to hear what people would be interested in reading about that relates to the world of wedding and naming ceremonies. If you’d like to start a discussion be sure to drop a comment below, or go on over to my Facebook page where I’ve shared this blog post and start up a conversation in the comments there.

I look forward to hearing what you’ve got to say, and I hope you look forward to reading more from me in the future here on my blog!